
Performance Ideas

These are sketches of on-stages manifestations of the ideas developed in this research project. I envisage these imaginations to continue throughout the working period ...
There is a conversation on stage between myself and my grandfather. I am onstage in a large bare room and there would be a large projection screen on the back wall of the room. I am standing in front of the screen and I address my grandfather. He is on the screen. Ideally a deepfake of one of the photos I have found that isn’t him but could be him. Perhaps he is seated, knees wide and fists upon them, on a hummock with the mountains rising behind him. Perhaps he is seated with his brothers. Heavy brows and dark moustaches. Handsome. Perhaps he is holding a rifle. The video projection is perhaps recoloured with lurid greens for the hills behind him, perhaps his jacket is bright red or brocaded. The sky is blue on blue. The conversation would progress through me coming out to him and then talking about things and then gradually he would start to talk about his own sexual life with his friends.

  • A large projection screen
  • A projector
  • An interactive animation programme that allows me to ‘chat’ with the deepfake
  • Someone to trigger the conversation in real time
  • This is a high tech requirement performance

There is a large projection screen that is showing a montage of films from the Caucasus. This includes footage of landscapes and dances and news reports and interviews. There is no sound. The footage is a collage of scrappy YouTube clips and things. It’s not beautifully put together and it lurches from one thing to another. Perhaps cut in very randomly and with repetitions. I am the performer and I am standing in front of the screen. Perhaps I am lit, or perhaps the projections are also spilling all over me. Over a white costume perhaps. There is then a monologue about a story of going to a Queer version of the Caucasus and poems. The idea is to create a juxtaposition of the two.

  • A large projection screen
  • A projector
  • Lighting
  • Costume
  • This is low ish tech performance though there could be licensing issues and expenses